
We arrive back! I saw my Oculus Quest headset post to my facebook account about some game; unless it achieved sentience while we were away, I suspected someone had broken into our trailer and stolen it. Wasn’t comforting to notice my security cameras were offline… but, I had dude putting in slab check on it; no apparent broken windows. So, I hoped some weird password issue and solar or wifi or microwave internet link on the fritz.

Of course, that wasn’t the case. Carefully pushed in screen, then goodbye collection of cordless tools. And most of your power tool batteries (but not all, curiously). And quadcopter, sockets, drill bits, + I’m sure some other random small tools. Weirdest: our cutting board! And a cooler, to make carrying purloined gains more convenient. Wifi router stolen, maybe in an attempt to stop the cameras? But, thief(/ves) missed at least one and they save footage offline. In fact, unplugging them made it *more* likely to have footage of the thief(/ves): the camera won’t have overwritten the footage with newer stuff. Will be fun to go through the footage; Kate suggested WANTED signs. I mean, who am I to argue?

So! Lessons (re)learned. Don’t leave valuable things visible through windows when you leave town for over a month. Duh. All of the things stolen would have easily fit into the storage boxes on my truck that I leave in secured parking at the airport. Also, positive lessons learned: container locks don’t get cut while you’re gone! Upgrades to make: “no trespassing” signs, motion-activated lights, more cameras, and someone local with access to patrol. Probably Beny? And! Most importantly, don’t leave stuff out / visible. Whether gone long or short, obviously not a good idea. Impacts from this on workshop/garage/casita/bondtainer design? Probably not, other than relearning the “be here or stuff walks” lesson I already know.

Also, evening relearning: unplug batteries you’re recharging and don’t start any new refrigeration chambers within a few hours of sunset. No fan for most of the night because batteries too low to power it! We tough it out; if it gets a bit less cloudy today, we’ll be in fine shape tonight. If not, I can jerry-rig something with the generator to charge us for a couple hours after sundown. A work in progress, it’s certainly not boring.

Recovery plan: get replacements for stuff I need, improve security, report the theft, post wanted signs, and move on with life:)

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