We fly in to a perfectly-functional Alexander, dirty and ready to roll. I restrain myself from immediately spearfishing and instead teak oil my wood guns:

Oh yeah, and the rest of the property is fine too. Biggest change is that the windsock fell down:)
Morning fishing: Punta Gorda. Reminder to self: bring a kayak or more when I come here. This place consistently kicks my ass, between lost gear, swimming for hours, etc. Fishy tally: 0 for me, and my Moana gets 3!
Evening hour session by myself. The only catch of the day for me is this 200-peso note:

In ~3′ water, I’m definitely not failing to get fish from lack of attention to detail:)
Random learning today: daylight savings time happens on different days in Oakland, London, and La Ventana! 3/13, 3/27, and 4/3, confusingly (this year). We were in London for daylight savings, now La Ventana for another. Humans are weirdddddddd.